680 - “Vase, with two handles, embossed on domed cover, top of body and foot” (3102, 4087, 7412)
877 - “Vase, globe shape, with shell neck. L 9¾”, S 8 in.”
880 - “Vase, plain, with embossed neck and fluted top L 9½ in. S 7½ in.” (1128, 6299)
884 - “Loving cups, with two embossed handles, also available with one or three handles, three sizes 6 x 6 in., 5 x 5 in. and 4½ x 4½ in.” (1128, 3699, 4364, 4613, 6299, Mikado)
893 - “Vase, plain, with fluted showers, neck and top L 6¾ in. S 4¾ in.” (1128, 2551, 4921)
904 - “Vase, ewer shape, with frilled neck 7 in. high, patterns 6299 and 1128” (1128, 6299)
905 - “As 904 but without handle 6 ¼ in., patterns 6299 and 1128” (1128, 4861, 6299)
906 - “Tray, triple, fluted, no handle” (1128, 2649, 3788, 4613, 7392)
910 - “Vase, slender, with embossed neck, 7¼ in. high, patterns 6299 and 1128” (1128, 2553, 6299)
913 - “Ashtray, oblong, embossed” A228
914 - “Vase, Persian style, with one large and one small handle and embossed domed cover 1 ft. 1½ in. high” (4429)
926 - “Vase, fluted, with embossed shoulder, narrow neck and wider scalloped top 6 in.” (919, 2553)
931 - “Tea caddy, quarter pound, ribbed, with cover 4¾ in.” (1128, 2553, A228)
939 - “Bell, oval, with shallow handle, 4¾ in. overall” (0161, 3969, 6299, 9259)
940 - “Tea caddy, half a pound, embossed on two sides, shoulder and cover 6½ in.” (3969, 6299, 9259, 9430)
951 - “Vase, plain, with narrow fluted neck 5¼ in.” (2553)
986 - “Square ashtray“ (A228) Described in the catalogue as “sweet dish shallow”. (6464, A228)
996 - “Vase, with wide base, narrow neck and fluted top L 1 ft., M 9¾ in., S 8 in.” (2553)